My post publication journey…
The exciting route from conception of the story to subsequent publication continues in the sales and marketing phase and I am thoroughly enjoying promoting the book in schools, libraries and at events.

As a Literacy Champion with the National Literacy Trust, I encourage young children to read and learn in a fun and interactive way. We had a workshop at the Literacy Lab in Mexborough Business Centre where I read ‘Blast Off to Planet Fun!’ to a group of Year 2 children from a local school, followed by a Q&A session. Phil Sheppard, the Hub Manager for Doncaster, did a draw-along of Smudge, King Krump and the planets, and the children completed planet related activity sheets before they left with a book of their choice.

Blast Off to Planet Fun! is dedicated to Lex Strong who spent his last few days at Bluebell Wood, and a percentage of sales is being donated to the Children’s Hospice. I have done several of their events including the Business Expo, Dragon Boat Race and I will be at Mucky Pups in October.
I have done several events with North Lincs Council – Armed Forces Day, Platinum Jubilee tea parties in libraries and Get Ready for School for children transitioning from nursery to primary education.

I am one of the organisers for the children’s entertainment in the Family Zone at Doncaster Pride. We are running a literacy competition for 6 to 16 year olds to write a story or poem with a Pride theme and a selection will be read out on Pride Day. Dr Bev, a Drag Queen, is reading Blast Off to Planet Fun! and we are planning a range of activities including work sheets, making dream catchers, geo caching, a silent disco and the Acro Bees are performing a Pride related routine. I have adapted a poem written by the LGBT Poet Laureate to make it appropriate for Doncaster and Trudy Howson is willing to visit the area in February 2023 to talk to the children during LGBT History Month.
I have recently done a live Podcast with two authors in America and Plymouth - we talked about Blast Off to Planet Fun!, Amanda’s writing group and Becca’s crowdfunding to raise money to publish her ‘I Can’ toddler books. Instagram is a great platform for sharing information and I currently have 650+ followers and am in several engagement groups reviewing books written by other authors in the UK and overseas and I am doing a ‘read aloud’ of the book live on Instagram soon.

Cast in Doncaster are stocking my book and I’m in negotiations with several other stores including Waterstones. Blast Off to Planet Fun! is available online at Amazon, Waterstones, Partnership Publishing, Gardners, The Book Depository and The Great British Bookshop. Further details about Smudge’s Adventures are on my website
In the next two weeks I am doing an author visit to a library and a nursery school in Rotherham and book signings at a Family Fun Day at Pontefract Races, Ongo Carnival in Scunthorpe, The Waterside Shopping Centre in Lincoln and Doncaster Festival at Castle Park Rugby Club.

Exciting times ahead as I have written my second book called ‘Jamming in the Jungle’ which is being illustrated and have started my third about teaching children to reduce their carbon footprint and help to save the planet. I am planning a radio interview and am joining a new networking group for entrepreneurs as I continue to grow my business.

I am very willing to share top tips with new or aspiring authors to assist them on their journey and discuss with them the things that have worked for me.
Feel free to call or text me on 07876 231573 or send an e-mail to
