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Introducing Emilie Szasz-Frank, Author of 'Bumbles and Lou: A Coat of Love' under Magic Mouse Books


Meet Emilie Szasz-Frank, our new Author under Magic Mouse Books, with her beautiful story 'Bumbles and Lou: A Coat of Love.' This brilliant book with gorgeous illustrations by Happydesigner, is a must-have for young children, teaching them all about acceptance, and embracing uniqueness. Alongside the lovely pictures, this engaging story of morality is highly recommended by ourselves!

What inspired you to start writing?

ES: I have always loved reading and writing. The idea of putting pen to paper and creating a unique little magical world where children can lose themselves and make sense of the world was inspired by my daughters (affectionately known as buglettes J).

If you could meet your characters, what would you say to them?

ES: I would congratulate them on showing us that life is what we make of it. Not following a crowd when that crowd is going in the wrong direction demands strength and courage as does standing up for others. I want to thank the main characters for showing that strength.

What is your writing process like?

ES: I don’t really have a process to be honest. Something in my daily life or in worldwide events may inspire me to write something down and it develops from there. The 'Black Lives Matter' marked me deeply- the sheer fact that a movement was needed was testament to the grave prejudice some members of society are forced to face daily. I am teaching my girls to fight for the rights of others who don’t have the privilege they do. I want them to embrace difference, not fight it and to know that all members

of our society deserve respect, opportunities, belief and help when needed.

Bumbles and Lou was a way for me to teach my daughters (whom I hoped already knew this from their upbringing) that differences are beautiful, to be celebrated and that we can be different (the characters are all different types of insects) whilst being the same (they are all from the insect world).

What do you need in your writing space to help you stay focused?

ES: A good atmosphere- no fear, animosity, or anger. I love the calmness of a stretch of uninterrupted time and a nice view to let ideas emerge and grow. That nice view doesn’t necessarily need to be a landscape, it can also be me bearing witness to a scene of simple human kindness.

What are your favourite blogs or websites for writers?

ES: I have never looked at blogs or websites for writers as becoming an author was quite an unexpected experience for which I am extremely grateful. I have always read and always loved the feeling it gives me even if I haven’t always enjoyed the reading material.

What books do you enjoy reading?

ES: Turns out I most enjoy reading books that I would never dream of buying myself! I try and join yearly book clubs who send me reading material so that I am not

hemmed in by my own prejudices and judgements

Are there any books or authors that inspired you to become a writer?

ES: Every author I have ever read whether I have enjoyed their stories or not have passed on their message to the next reader, the next generation. It is a compl

etely magical process that immortalises thoughts and make memories a reality. Therefore, I am inspired in different ways by absolutely every author I read.

How long have you been writing?

ES: I have been writing stories since I was 8 years old when I entered a national writing competition and came 356th for which I received a red parker pen! I was so proud of this pen and diligently kept it by my side for years. My grandmother and mother were very proud of my achievement (someone in the family has finally won something!) and they always prefaced it with the fact that there were over 2000 stories submitted!

Where do you draw inspiration from?

ES: The human condition, people’s ability to put their head above the parapet and make a difference in this world. I am constantly inspired at how people can do good and overcome adversity whilst celebrating diversity of thought, colour, and ideas. Humans really are wonderful.

What book is currently on your bedside table?

ES: 'A Boy and his Dog at the End of The World' by C.A. Fletcher

What book could you read over and over again?

ES: 'The Baltimore Boys' Joel Dicker encompasses every human emotion possible.

What is one thing most people don’t know about you?

ES: I am an extroverted introvert as opposed to a pure extrovert which is what my social circle thinks I am.

Describe yourself in one sentence.

ES: I believe that dreams can come true, the choice of dream is key.

If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be?

ES: That people saw the unintended consequences of their actions for every unhelpful, unkind, cruel, and divisive decision they made.

What’s your favourite film of all time?

ES: Sorry I can’t choose just one!

Muriel’s wedding: a film about overcoming adversity whilst teaching kindness and compassion along the way and Sliding Doors: a film about how small, seemingly insignificant decisions made in a moment in time can change the entire way life can pan out.



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