We couldn't be more excited to announce our latest title under Magic Mouse Books, 'The Adventures of Billie, the Great Orme Goat,' now available for PRE-ORDER! With incredible illustrations by Happydesigner, this brilliant picture book is a story of morals and the importance of listening to your parents/carers!
"It’s Heather and Henry’s birthday party.
And Billie’s got cake on his mind!
As Billie sets off for the party,
Tramcar No. 5 leaves the station.
“Don’t take a shortcut across the tram tracks!” said
Billie’s mother. Billie has promised he won’t but George
says “It will be fine.”
Who did Billie listen to?
Did Billie get some birthday cake?
And what happened to the tram?
It’s Billie’s first adventure but will he have a second?"
You can find Kevin on Instagram and Facebook, and through his website, which all feature his beautiful cafe by the beach!
Instagram: @westshorebeachcafe
Facebook: @westshorebeachcafellandudno
Website: http://www.westshorebeachcafe.com/

What inspired you to start writing?
I’ve always enjoyed writing, for me it’s escapism where anything is possible,
limited only by your imagination. I’d write essays in school and was encouraged
by my english teacher, but for the most part I just wrote for the fun of it. I did journalism in college as a mature student but found sticking to the facts all a bit limiting, so ended up leaving. Personally I find making things up is much more fun.
What comes first, the plot or the characters?
The main character ‘Billie’ came first, and as the story progressed the other characters
just materialised, it was great fun to imagine the individual traits of each character and how they’d react to different situations.
What does success mean to you? What is the definition of success?
Somebody asked me a similar question when I first set out to have my book published, and my answer is the same now as it was then, just the thought that a mother or father would read my story to their son or daughter, and they had enjoyed it, would make me so happy. And if you’re happy in life you have everything, that’s my definition of success.
What is the most surprising thing you discovered while writing your book?
Although I knew where the story was heading, what surprised me most is how the story could change, where alternative storylines or subtle changes would just somehow appear. At times it feels as though you set off on a path and see where the story takes you.
Do you have a favourite character that you have written? If so, who and what makes them so special?
This is easy, Billie is my favourite character, the whole story started with him and once I’d created his family and friends, the story evolved quite quickly.
Where do you get your inspiration?
I’d have to say my inspiration comes from everyday life and imagining what could be happening. I’ve been told in the past I have a vivid imagination, but it was often said as a criticism, I’ve no idea why. :)

What was the inspiration for the story?
I’d been walking on the Great Orme country park, taking photographs as part of a photography course I was doing at the time, it was late afternoon and i’d decided to head home, then I’d heard a noise from the other side of the wall, where there is a sheer drop to the beach below. I peered over the wall and saw a mother and a young goat, who couldn’t have been more than a few weeks old, they jumped up on to the wall about 10 metres behind me, and the young goat started to walk toward me, I was quite surprised as the goats especially the young are very timid and stay away from people. I thought to myself, this goat doesn’t know the rules, and proceeded to talk to him as he came closer, whilst gently trying to raise my camera to take a picture without scaring him off, he came to within 3 metres before his mum who was still 10 metres away decided her young inquisitive goat was close enough, she let out a call and the youngster span around and trotted back to his mother’s side. They jumped down off the wall and headed up the mountain and out of view.
I started to imagine the young billy goat telling his friends about his adventure, and wondered
what other adventures the inquisitive young goat would have, and that was it, ‘Billie’ was born. The picture I’d taken did neither of us any favours but the encounter was memorable, I went home and started to write.
What is the key theme or message in the book?
From the outset I wanted all the animals and creatures that live on the Great Orme to get along, and they all have a skill or skill set that can help other members of the animal community, each book will highlight different skills as part of the story, hopefully in a fun and entertaining way, that shows although we’re all different we can help each other.
If your book would was to be made into a movie, who are the celebrities that would star in it?
I can’t imagine how exciting that would be, but I would love to cast Timothy Spall as Dylan mole, as I think he’d be fantastic. As for the other characters, I’m open to suggestions.
What book is currently on your bedside table?
Billy Connolly’s autobiography ‘Windswept and Interesting’.
Favourite Quote?
My grandad who was 88 at the time was walking into town, about 1.5 miles from his home, I asked him if he’d like a lift and said I’d wait while he did his shopping and bring him home. He said ‘No thank You, the Less you do, the less you feel like doing’. Brilliant and true.
Favourite book read as an adult?
Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens, read first in my teens and a number of times since.
What was your dream job when you were younger?

I wanted to play in goal for Liverpool FC.
What’s your favourite food?
It has to be ice cream although Thai food & Hungarian goulash come close.
What’s your favourite spot to visit in your own country and what makes it special?
Llandudno my hometown, I feel so lucky to have grown up here, there’s so many reasons I love the town, walking on the promenade in the morning sun, sailing in the bay or exploring the Great Orme, it’s just fantastic.